Tuesday, May 1, 2012



Q. : What is Noun?
Ans. : Noun is the name of any person, place or thing. In other words we can say that

As :-
Names of persons : Rohan, Ruchita, Rekha, etc.
Names of places : Rohtak, Haryana, India, etc.
Names of things : Pen, Pan, Fan, etc.
Names of animals : Frog, Cow, Dog, etc.
Names of groups : Army, Crowd, Heard, etc.

NOTE : The word thing includes the following:-

1). All the objects that we can see, hear, taste, touch or smell and
2). Something that we can think of, but cannot perceive by our senses.
In other words we can say that the word thing is used to mean anything we can think of.
As :-

1). Name of action : Theft, Work, Selection
2). Name of quality : Honesty, Bravery, Intelligence
3). Name of situation (state) : Sleep, Death, Unconsciousness

Kinds of Nouns

Basically there are five kinds of Nouns. They are :-

1). Proper Noun

2). Common Noun

3). Collective Noun

4). Material Noun

5). Abstract Noun

The detailed study of these five kinds of Noun will help us to classify the naming words in this world.So let us have a detailed study of these five kinds one by one.

1). Proper Noun :-

Proper Noun is the name of any particular person, place or thing which is distinct from every other one.
As:- Sita, Ram, Rohtak, Inda, etc.


2). Common Noun :-

Common Noun is the name which is given in common to any and every person, place and thing of the same class or kind.
As:- Man, Woman, Boy, Girl, City, Village, etc.


Proper,Collective,Material and Abstract Nouns can be used as Common Nouns by either making them PLURAL or placing an ARTICLE before them.
As :-
1). Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.
In the sentence above Proper Noun "Shakespeare" has been used as a Common Noun by putting an article (the) before it. In this sentence Proper Noun Shakespeare (or the name Shakespeare) is shared by Kalidas because in India Kalidas is as famous as Shakespeare is in England in literature.

2). Children threw stones at the poor beggar.
In the sentence above Material Noun "stone" has been used as a Common Noun by making it plural. In this sentence Material Noun "stones" is shared by everything which is thrown by the children on the poor beggar.

3). All classes of our school are present here.
In the sentence above Collective Noun "class" has been used as a Common Noun by making it plural. In this sentence Collective Noun "classes" is shared by every class which is present.

4). It is the honesty that is always rewarded.
In the sentence above Abstract Noun "honesty" has been used as a Common Noun by putting an article (the) before it.

3). Collective Noun :-

Collective Noun is the name of a number, group or collection of people or things taken and spoken of as one whole.
As :-
A group of cattle or sheep or all of the same kind is called a herd
A large number of things or people considered together is called a crowd
A group of two or more than two players playing together is called a team
A group of a number of similar things (as a group of keys) is called a bunch

4). Material Noun :-

Material Noun is the name of any material or substance of which something is made.
As:- Gold, Silver, Iron, Wood, Sugar, Brass, etc.


5). Abstract Noun :-

Abstract Noun is the name of an action, a quality or a state. It is the name of the things which we can't see, hear, touch, smell or taste but which we can think of.
As :-
a). Quality : Cleverness, honesty, beauty, bravery, etc.
b). Action : Choice, theft, decision, duty, etc.
c). State : Poverty, sleep, happiness, childhood, etc.


NOTE : The Subjects of Arts and Science Are Considered as Abstract Nouns.

The above traditional classification of Noun has been replaced by simple one now.The present kinds are : -
1). COUNTABLE NOUN :- Things which can be counted.
2). UNCOUNTABLE NOUN :- Things which can't be counted.



Q. : What is a Phobia?

Ans. : An unreasonable fear or hatred of something is called a Phobia.

Ablutophobia Taking bath or Washing
Acarophobia Insects that cause itching
Achluophobia Darkness
Acousticophobia Noise
Acrophobia / Altophobia Heights
Aerophobia Air
Aeroacrophobia Open heigh places
Aeronausiphobia Vomiting secondary to airsickness
Agateophobia Insanity
Agliophobia / Algophobia Pain
Agoraphobia Open or public places
Agraphobia Sexual abuse
Agrizoophobia Wild animals
Agyrophobia Streets
Aichmophobia Needles or pointed objects
Ailurophobia Cats
Albuminurophobia Kidney disease
Alektorophobia Chickens
Alliumphobia Garlic
Allodoxaphobia Opinions
Amathophobia Dust
Amaxophobia Riding in a car
Ambulophobia Walking
Amnesiphobia Amnesia
Amychophobia Scratches or being scratched
Anablephobia Looking up
Ancraophobia / Anemophobia Wind or air drafts
Androphobia / Arrhenphobia Men
Anginophobia Angina, Choking or narrowness
Anglophobia England or English culture
Angrophobia Anger or of becoming angry
Ankylophobia Immobility of a joint
Anthrophobia / Anthophobia Flowers
Anthropophobia People or society
Antlophobia Floods
Anuptaphobia Staying single
Apeirophobia Infinity
Aphenphosmphobia / Haphephobia Being touched
Apiphobia Bees
Apotemnophobia Persons with amputations
Arachibutyrophobia Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
Arachnephobia / Arachnophobia Spiders
Arithmophobia Numbers
Arsonphobia Fire
Asthenophobia Fainting or weakness
Astraphobia / Astrapophobia /Ceraunophobia / Keraunophobia Thunder or lightning
Astrophobia Stars or celestial space
Asymmetriphobia Asymmetrical things
Ataxiophobia Ataxia (Muscular incoordination)
Ataxophobia Disorder or untidiness
Atelophobia Imperfection
Atephobia Ruin
Athazagoraphobia Being forgotten or ignored or forgetting
Atomosophobia Atomic explosions
Atychiphobia Failure
Aulophobia Flutes
Aurophobia Gold
Auroraphobia Northern lights
Autodysomophobia One that has a vile odor
Automatonophobia Ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsely represents a sentient being
Automysophobia Being dirty
Autophobia Being alone or of oneself
Aviophobia / Aviatophobia Flying

The above table shows Phobias starting from the letter “A”.

Rules for Changing Singular to Plural :-

If you want to learn how to change the “Singular Noun” into “Plural Noun” the following link will help you.

Rules how to change the “Singular Noun” into “Plural Noun”

Animated Broken Heart in Photoshop

Basic Terms Definition

-----Basic Terms Definition-----

Q. : What is Case?
Ans. : Case tells us the position and function of a noun in any sentence. Case of any noun depends entirely on the use of the noun. It means that according to the need we can use a noun in any case.
There are six cases of noun in English. They are:-

1). Nominative/Subjective Case :-

When a noun is used as a “SUBJECT” of a verb, it is said to be in the “NOMINATIVE/SUBJECTIVE” case.


Usually the doer of the action is called SUBJECT. Actually SUBJECT is that word or group of words about which something is said in the predicative part of the sentence.To find the SUBJECT put “WHO” or “WHAT” before the verb.

As :-

1). Ajay Mor teaches his students daily in the evening.

In the sentence above the doer of the action is Ajay Mor. So Ajay Mor is the SUBJECT of the verb teach.

2). Ajay Mor is a very hard working teacher.

In the sentence above there is no action. So Ajay Mor is not the doer of the action. But if we see the predicative part of the sentence, we'll find that whatever is said in the predicative part that is about Ajay Mor. So Ajay Mor is the SUBJECT in this sentence.

1).OBJECT :-

Usually in a sentence whatever comes after the verb is called OBJECT. Actually OBJECT is that word or group of words which receives the action of the verb. To find the OBJECT put “WHOM” or “WHAT” with the subject and verb.

As :-

1). Ajay Mor teaches physics to his students daily in the evening.

In the sentence above the doer of the action is Ajay Mor. So Ajay Mor is the SUBJECT of the verb teach. But whom/what does he teach. In other words who/what receives the action shown by the verb teach. Obviously “PHYSICS and HIS STUDENTS”. So they are the OBJECTS of the verb teach.

2). Ajay Mor is a very hard working teacher.

In the sentence above the verb shows only the state of being. So there is no action in this sentence. When there is no action, then how can we find the receiver of the action. No-one or nothing is there to receive the action means “NO OBJECT”.


-----English Grammar-----

Hello friends! The very first thing to learn English Grammar is that we must have the knowledge of the term “Grammar”

Generally people think that Grammar is a set of rules for the language but it is a set of rules of the language. Languages didn't start after the rules. They were started by people to express their thoughts.After that they were studied by specialists to know the structures commonly used by the people who spoke that language. In this way the structures of the sentences and uses of the words and phrases used by the native speakers were noted down as the Grammar of that language to help the people to learn and understand that language.

Now the question comes if English Grammar is necessary to speak English. The simple answer is NO. But if you don't have the environment in which English is spoken most of the time, then it will help you a lot in learning the structures of English. So if you want to learn English without an English speaking environment,then English Grammar will help you a lot in learning fast an correct English .

The second reason to learn English Grammar is that it will help you a lot in various competition tests. With the good knowledge of Grammar you can tell whether a sentence is wrong or right.
Look at the sentences below : -

1).“It is me.”
2).“It is I.”
In the sentences above the first one sounds good and we may say that it is the right sentence but the right one is the second sentence.
Why the second sentence is right?
The answer is :-
The second sentence is right because verbs of incomplete predication take pronouns in subjective case as their objects.

Here in this section (GRAMMAR) we will learn

1). In Basic Grammar we will study the basic things of English Grammar i,e. Parts of Speech and Tenses etc.
2). In Applied Grammar we will study the application of these basic things of English Grammar i,e. Parts of Speech and Tenses etc and much more. As clauses, phrases. synthesis, transformation, etc.

CSS Drop Down Menu 1

This is the image for the code given below.This image will show you how your menu will look with this code.

This is the <css>code for the DROP DOWN MENU.





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This is the <html>code for the DROP DOWN MENU.

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<li><a href='#'>Interrogative Sentence</a></li>

<li><a href='#'>Imperative Sentence</a></li>

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<li><a href='#'>Exclamatory Sentence</a></li>

<li><a href='#'>Sentence Analysis</a></li>

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<li><a href='#'>Position of Adjective</a></li>

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<li><a href='#'>Simple Sentence</a></li>

<li><a href='#'>Interrogative Sentence</a></li>

<li><a href='#'>Imperative Sentence</a></li>

<li><a href='#'>Opetative Sentence</a></li>

<li><a href='#'>Exclamatory Sentence</a></li>

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Css Drop Down Menu 2

This is the image for the code given below.This image will show you how your menu will look with this code.

This is the <css>code for the DROP DOWN MENU.

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Q. : What is Adverb?
Ans. : An Adverb is a word that qualifies or adds something to the meaning of “a Verb”, “an Adverb”, “an Adjective”, “ a Preposition” or “a Conjunction”.

As :-
1). Manjeet is playing.
2). Rajive hates cooking.
3). In the heart of every person lives God.
4). Manmeet and Priyansi are cousins.

Kinds of Adverb (According to Meaning)

According to meaning Adverbs have the following kinds :-

1). Adverbs of Time


                              Adverbs of Time show us the time of any action.

Adverbs of Time answer the question : When or at which time?

2). Adverbs of Place


                              Adverbs of Place tell us something about the place of any action.

Adverbs of Place answer the question : Where or at which place?

3). Adverbs of Manner


                              Adverbs of Manner show the way or manner in which any action is done.

Adverbs of Manner answer the question : How or in what manner?

Note :-

Most of the Adverbs formed from Adjectives and end in "ly" form this class.

4). Adverbs of Number (Numeral Adverbs) :-

                          Adverbs of Number (Numeral Adverbs) are of three kinds:-

a). Definite Numeral Adverbs :-

Definite Numeral Adverbs are used to tell an exact number.
Cardinals (one, two, three, four, five, six,etc) denote how many things, persons or places are referred to and Ordinals (first, second, third, fourth,etc) denote the order of things, persons or places in a series.

Note :-

Definite Numeral Adverbs can be used only with Countable Nouns.
b). Indefinite Numeral Adverbs :-

Indefinite Numeral Adverbs are used not to tell an exact number.